Monday, July 13, 2009

Asset Mapping: Telling Good Stories About Your Community's Competitive Advantage

We've been busy this summer collecting data for a regional asset map, which will go into our new economic development strategy for 2010-2015. Asset mapping is really just planning jargon for doing what all good economic developers do anyway: maintaining an inventory of all the things that make your city or county a competitive location for business, people, etc.

Here are two examples I really like because they are web-based and interactive, as opposed to a document that sits on a shelf somewhere:

Twin Cities Compass
Florida's Great Northwest

The communication medium is critical for getting information across to people, especially when you are talking about community and economic research. Florida's Great Northwest asset mapping website works equally well with site selectors, media, elected officials, and the general public. This is what differentiates economic development programs these days.

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