Friday, September 11, 2009

State Rankings on Health Insurance Coverage, Poverty and Income

On Thursday, the Census Bureau released estimates of poverty, income, and health insurance coverage at the state level and several local newspapers have stories reporting that Texas is again at the top of the list when it comes to the highest percentage of uninsured. See (Austin American-Statesman and Austin Business Journal articles).

Texas also had the sixth highest poverty rate at 16.3% and the thirteenth lowest median household income at $46,853 from 2006-2008 according to the data released. The data comes from the Current Population Survey (CPS), which is generally collected monthly with an annual data release of state level data. Socioeconomic data for smaller areas like cities will be coming out through the American Community Survey data (ACS) releases planned on September 22nd and October 27th.

In the meantime, here are a couple of thematic maps of the state level CPS data. We'll highlight some of the ACS data as it gets released.

Health Insurance Coverage
(Click image for larger version)

Poverty Rate
(Click image for larger version)

Median Household Income

(Click image for larger version)

To view more data from this release, visit the Census Bureau's site.
Chris Ramser

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